Written and curated by Mandy

Throughout my career, I have found that there are some tried and true resources that can be beneficial in my clients’ mental health journey. This space is home to those assets, as well as some other writings and learnings that I have discovered along the way.

Please feel free to use these resources and reach out if you have any questions. If you’d like to receive these blogs and other helpful tips in your inbox, subscribe to The Grounding Guide.

*These resources should not be used as a replacement for virtual or in-person therapy, and represent a compliment to mental health services.

Strategies to Support a Positive Start to the New Year
Mandy Heisler Mandy Heisler

Strategies to Support a Positive Start to the New Year

Happy New Year! Moving into a new year can feel refreshing and also reinforce us to reflect on the previous year and identify personal goals for the future. It’s normal to feel mixed emotions as a new year starts and it’s also okay to not have specific resolutions. You know yourself best and what feels right for your own personal growth. Remember, growth and healing aren’t linear and we can try to practice embracing both the ups and downs while trusting the process.

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Setting Boundaries
Mandy Heisler Mandy Heisler

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries can be intimidating and it can feel easier to accept current patterns than advocating for yourself. It is also common to struggle with people pleasing which can result in you feeling extreme discomfort with saying “no” and sacrificing your own needs. Having no boundaries can take a toll on your well-being and also result in unhealthy dynamics with others. When we practice setting healthy boundaries, we are honoring our own wants and needs to create a clear guideline of how we would like to be treated.

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Five Mindfulness Practices to Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Mandy Heisler Mandy Heisler

Five Mindfulness Practices to Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Mindfulness is something that we can all practice and incorporate in our daily lives. When we practice mindfulness, we are creating space to bring awareness to the present moment through our thoughts, feelings and sensations without judgment. Practicing mindfulness can be a helpful strategy to utilize when faced with stress, anxiety and frustration. It can be challenging to start and starting small can feel more attainable.

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Self Care During the Fall Season
Mandy Heisler Mandy Heisler

Self Care During the Fall Season

Autumn tends to be a busy time for most of us and mixed with the shorter days and colder weather it can impact our well-being. Transitioning into a new season can be exciting yet it can also lead us to feel uneasy and overwhelmed. We might not even realize that our self-care can be the first to go when change happens. With the holiday season approaching, it can be a good time to reflect and prioritize practicing strategies to support yourself during this time.

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Therapy for Anxiety
Mandy Heisler Mandy Heisler

Therapy for Anxiety

Anxiety and worries can be so overwhelming and exhausting that they can prevent you from enjoying your daily life. Your anxiety could also be a barrier to your treatment which can lead to worsening symptoms. If you are having difficulty knowing where to start, below are a list of anxiety-related topics, questions, and an online assessment that can support you with identifying specific areas to guide next steps with treatment. While these resources are helpful to start with, they should not take the place of an official assessment with a licensed clinician.

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Therapy for Depression
Mandy Heisler Mandy Heisler

Therapy for Depression

Depression can lead to feelings of hopelessness, low motivation and isolation. If you are struggling and do not know where to start, below are a list of depression-related questions and an online assessment that can support you with identifying specific areas to guide next steps with treatment. While these resources are helpful to start with, they should not take the place of an official assessment with a licensed clinician.

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How to Improve Your Self-Esteem
Mandy Heisler Mandy Heisler

How to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is formed at a young age and shaped by various factors. Feelings of negative self-worth and personal value can lead to persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, anger, shame or guilt. It’s normal for your self-esteem to shift; however, if you notice it impacting your overall well-being it might be a sign to seek support.

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Dealing with Stress
Mandy Heisler Mandy Heisler

Dealing with Stress

If you are experiencing high levels of stress,  you might feel irritable, angry, impatient or anxious. It might also be challenging to identify what is a normal amount of stress or how to deal with it. Below is a list of questions and an online assessment that can support you with identifying specific areas to guide next steps with treatment. While these resources are helpful to start with, they should not take the place of an official assessment with a licensed clinician. Please know that you are not alone and it takes a lot of strength and courage to initiate therapy. I am here to answer any questions you might have to ease the process.

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